【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go on to

After their success they went on to make another film, Shipwrecks, using one of the very first underwater breathing devices, known as the Aqua-Lung.
(彼らの成功の後、彼らはアクアラングとして知られる最初の水中呼吸装置の 1 つを使用した別の映画「難破船」の制作を続けました。)

go on to は「続いて~する」という意味で、例えば、学校を卒業してから大学に進学する場合や、仕事を辞めて別の職業に転じる場合などに用いられます。


1. After finishing high school, she went on to study at a prestigious university.

2. He went on to become a successful entrepreneur after years of hard work.

3. Despite facing obstacles, she didn’t give up and went on to achieve her dream.

4. After winning the regional championship, the team went on to compete at the national level.

5. He studied diligently and went on to pass the English proficiency test.

6. After completing his undergraduate degree, he went on to pursue a master’s degree.

7. She went on to write several bestselling novels, gaining international recognition.

8. Despite the initial failure, they didn’t give up and went on to create a successful business.

9. After a successful acting career, she went on to become a respected film director.

10. He started as an intern but went on to become the CEO of the company.