【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go online

go online は「オンラインになる」とう意味で、インターネットに接続することやオンライン上で活動することを指します。


1. I usually go online to check my emails and social media accounts.

2. We need to go online to find information for our research project.

3. My grandmother recently learned how to go online and now enjoys playing online games.

4. It’s convenient to go online for shopping and have items delivered to your doorstep.

5. Students nowadays often go online to access educational resources and study materials.

6. People can go online to participate in virtual meetings and conferences from anywhere in the world.

7. I enjoy going online to watch funny videos and entertaining content.

8. Many businesses have moved their operations online to reach a wider customer base.

9. Online learning platforms provide opportunities for people to go online and acquire new skills.

10. Going online allows us to stay connected with friends and family, no matter where they are.