【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go out

I have no afternoon activities on the 10th, so could we go out to eat on that day?

go out は「外出する」という意味です。友人との食事や映画鑑賞、ショッピング、パーティーなどに出かけるというだけでなく、恋人とデートをするという場合にも使います。

go out は単に出かけるというだけでなく、食事など特定の目的があって外出するという意味があります。

一方で、類似の表現に hang out があります。hang out は「うろうろする」や「ぶらぶらする」という意味ですが、go out と違い、特定の目的を持たずに友人と単に時間を過ごす場合に用います。


1. I like to go out for a walk in the park on weekends.

2. My friends and I are planning to go out for dinner tonight.

3. They often go out to watch movies at the cinema.

4. She decided to go out and explore the city on her own.

5. We should go out and enjoy the beautiful weather today.

6. He likes to go out with his friends and play basketball in the park.

7. They go out for a picnic every spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

8. After a long week of work, I just want to go out and have a relaxing evening.

9. Are you free this weekend? Let’s go out and grab a cup of coffee.

10. They decided to go out and explore the local markets to find unique souvenirs.