【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go to sleep

Most brush their teeth before they go to sleep and then again at some time the following morning.

go to sleep は「寝る」という意味です。

似た表現に go to bed があります。go to sleep が実際に眠るという行為に焦点を当てているのに対して、go to bed は眠るために寝床に入ることに焦点を当てています。


1. I always go to sleep early because I need to wake up at 6 a.m. every day.

2. She couldn’t go to sleep last night because she drank too much coffee in the evening.

3. It’s important to create a comfortable sleeping environment to help you go to sleep faster.

4. He tried counting sheep to go to sleep, but it didn’t work for him.

5. The baby finally went to sleep after being rocked gently in the crib.

6. It’s not healthy to go to sleep immediately after a heavy meal.

7. He decided to read a book to help him go to sleep.

8. She was too excited about the upcoming trip and couldn’t go to sleep.

9. I like to listen to calming music before I go to sleep.

10. The sound of rain helped her go to sleep peacefully.