【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go toward

All money will go towards feeding the growing baby giraffe.

go toward は「~に進む」という意味で、将来の方向性や目標に向かって進むことを表現する際に使用されます。

類似の表現としては、strive for などがあり、strive for は熱心に目標を追い求める意志を示します。


1. I always go toward my goals with determination.

2. He decided to go toward a career in medicine.

3. They are discussing which direction to go toward for their next project.

4. She’s unsure which path to go toward in her academic pursuits.

5. The company is shifting its focus to go toward more sustainable practices.

6. We should go toward a solution that benefits everyone involved.

7. The arrow on the sign pointed us to go toward the nearest exit.

8. The team’s strategy is to go toward a more customer-centric approach.

9. She urged her students to go toward their passions and pursue their dreams.

10. The organization’s mission is to go toward a world free from poverty.