【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム hand in

Fill in the form below and hand it in to your teacher today.

hand in は「手渡す」、「提出する」という意味です。学生が宿題やレポートを提出する場面や、社員が書類や報告書を上司に渡す場面で頻繁に使われます。

類似の表現としては、submit があります。hand in が手渡すという動きに重点を置いているのに対して、submit は提出するという形式的な行為に重点を置いています。


1. I forgot to hand in my homework yesterday.

2. Please make sure to hand in your permission slip by tomorrow.

3. The students are required to hand in their essays by the end of the week.

4. Don’t forget to hand in your library books before summer break.

5. She always hand in her assignments on time.

6. The deadline to hand in your project proposal is next Monday.

7. The teacher asked us to hand in our permission forms for the field trip.

8. Students must hand in their completed tests before leaving the examination room.

9. The secretary reminded the employees to hand in their timesheets by the end of the day.

10. He received a penalty for failing to hand in his assignment on time.