【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム attract A with B

イディオム attract A with B は、Bを使ってAを引きつけるという意味の表現です。ここでのAは人や注意、興味などを指し、Bは魅力的なものや魔法のような効果を持つものを指します。


類似の表現としては、「catch A with B」や「lure A with B」などがあります。これらの表現も同様に、Bを使ってAを引きつけるという意味を持ちます。


1. He attracts customers with his friendly smile.

2. The museum attracts visitors with its impressive art collection.

3. She attracts attention with her unique fashion sense.

4. The company attracts investors with its innovative technology.

5. The new café attracts coffee lovers with its freshly brewed coffee.

6. The advertisement attracts viewers with its catchy jingle.

7. The park attracts nature enthusiasts with its beautiful hiking trails.

8. The musician attracts fans with her soulful voice.

9. The bookstore attracts readers with its wide selection of books.

10. The city attracts tourists with its rich historical heritage.