【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム have a point

have a point は、「一理ある」という意味です。このフレーズは、相手の意見や主張に対して一定の理解や同意を示す際に用いられます。

また、似たような表現として、make a point や raise a point などもあります。


1. I think Tom has a point. We should consider his suggestion.

2. Sarah’s argument has a point. We should listen to her perspective.

3. The teacher made a valid point about the importance of studying regularly.

4. John’s criticism of the new policy has a point. It may have unintended consequences.

5. The article raised several points that I hadn’t considered before.

6. The student’s argument had some valid points, but overall, it lacked supporting evidence.

7. The speaker made a compelling point about the impact of technology on society.

8. The book raised an interesting point about the cultural differences between East and West.

9. The documentary highlighted an important point about the preservation of endangered species.

10. The research paper made a convincing point about the benefits of exercise for mental health.