【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム have access

have access は直訳すると「アクセスを持つ」という意味ですが、実際には「利用できる」という意味合いで使われることが一般的です。具体的には、情報や場所、機会などに自由に接することができる状態を指します。


1. I have access to a wide range of books at the library.

2. She has access to the internet on her smartphone.

3. We have access to a private beach during our vacation.

4. He has access to confidential information due to his job.

5. They have access to advanced laboratory equipment for their research.

6. The students have access to online learning materials for their studies.

7. My company has access to international markets for its products.

8. The members have access to exclusive discounts at the gym.

9. We have access to a swimming pool in our apartment complex.

10. He has access to a private jet for his business trips.