【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム have fun

We had so much fun.

have fun は、「楽しむ」という意味です。また、have fun ~ing の形で「~して楽しむ」となります。fun のあとに ~ing の形の動名詞が来る部分は試験でも問われやすいポイントなので覚えておきましょう。


1. I always have fun playing board games with my family on weekends.

2. We had so much fun exploring the historical sites during our school trip.

3. Let’s have fun at the amusement park this weekend!

4. Having a picnic by the river with friends is a great way to have fun and relax.

5. I had a lot of fun watching a comedy movie last night.

6. We had fun playing board games at the party.

7. Let’s have fun and enjoy the school festival together!

8. I had so much fun at the concert last night. The music was amazing!

9. Having a picnic in the park with friends is a great way to have fun and soak up some sun.

10. Let’s have fun and dance at the school dance party!