【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム hear from

You will hear from students all over the US.

hear from は「~から連絡を受ける」という意味です。

hear は聞くという意味ですが、hear from は単に聞くというよりは連絡や報告など何らかの情報を受け取るというニュアンスがあります。


1. I hope to hear from you soon.

2. Did you hear from your friend about the party?

3. We were delighted to hear from our relatives abroad.

4. She was surprised to hear from her ex-boyfriend after so many years.

5. I haven’t heard from him since he moved to a different city.

6. It was a relief to hear from the doctor that the test results were negative.

7. We often hear from our customers expressing their satisfaction with our products.

8. I heard from a reliable source that there will be a company-wide meeting next week.

9. Have you heard from your professor regarding the assignment deadline extension?

10. We were thrilled to hear from the scholarship committee that she was awarded the scholarship.