【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】動詞 hit

Let’s hit the beach!

hit は「~を打つ」という意味です。しかし、それだけでなく、何かに取り組んだり、目標を達成するために行動したりすることを表すことがあります。

「打つ」の意味では、He hit a home run (彼はホームランを打った)のように使うことができます。また、音楽では hit song のように人気のあるものが注目される場合にも使われます。

hit は場面によって、様々な意味があるので




1. I hit the gym every morning to stay in shape.

2. She hits the books every night to prepare for her exams.

3. They hit the road early in the morning for their road trip.

4. He hit the jackpot and won a large sum of money in the lottery.

5. We hit the stores during the holiday sales to get some great deals.

6. She hit the ground running on her first day at the new job.

7. They hit the beach to enjoy the sun and surf.

8. He hit the stage and gave an incredible performance in front of a packed audience.

9. They hit the jackpot when they found a rare antique at a flea market.

10. We hit the road early to avoid the traffic and reach our destination on time.