【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム hurry to

hurry to は、「急いで〜へ行く」という意味です。

類似の表現としては、「rush to」があります。何かに間に合わせるために本当に急いで行動する場合には「rush to」を使う傾向があります。


1. I hurried to the station to catch the train.

2. She hurried to the store to buy some groceries.

3. They hurried to the cinema to watch the latest movie.

4. He hurried to the library to return the borrowed books.

5. We hurried to the restaurant to have dinner before the show.

6. She hurried to the gym to attend her fitness class.

7. They hurried to the park to meet their friends for a picnic.

8. He hurried to the office to finish an important report.

9. We hurried to the museum to see the new art exhibition.

10. She hurried to the airport to catch her flight.