【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム increase in

However, over the years it increased in length and became known as the Chinese foot.

increase in は、「増加する」という意味であり、物事の数量、程度、大きさ、価値などが増加することを表す表現です。

また、前置詞 in を伴うことにピンと来ないかもしれませんが、その増加が特定の範囲や領域の中で起こると解釈すれば納得できるでしょう。


1. There has been a significant increase in the number of tourists visiting Japan in recent years.

2. The government implemented policies to promote an increase in employment opportunities for young people.

3. The popularity of social media has led to an increase in online communication among teenagers.

4. The recent economic reforms have resulted in an increase in foreign investments.

5. There has been a noticeable increase in the price of gasoline, affecting the cost of transportation.

6. The company experienced a steady increase in sales after launching its new product.

7. The educational institution invested in technology to facilitate an increase in online learning opportunities.

8. The recent study shows an increase in the average life expectancy of the population.

9. The government is considering measures to address the increase in traffic congestion in urban areas.

10. The company implemented cost-cutting measures to compensate for the increase in production expenses.