【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム interact with

These features might indicate that they are intelligent enough to interact with us.

interact with は、「~と交流する」「~と関わる」という意味を表します。このフレーズは、人々が他の人や物との接触や相互作用を指すときに使用されます。


1. I enjoy interacting with my classmates during group discussions.

2. It is important for teachers to interact with their students to create a positive learning environment.

3. Social media platforms allow people to interact with others from all over the world.

4. The professor encouraged students to interact with each other during group projects.

5. The language exchange program allows students to interact with native speakers and improve their language skills.

6. It’s important for parents to interact with their children regularly.

7. The conference aims to create an environment where experts can interact with young researchers.

8. Online gaming allows players to interact with each other in virtual worlds.

9. The company organizes team-building activities to help employees interact with each other outside of work.

10. The community center hosts various events where residents can interact with local artists.