【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム join in

They were happy when I joined them in asking passers-by for donations.

join O in ~ing は「Oと一緒に~する」という意味です。

類似の表現としては、「participate in ~ing」や「take part in ~ing」などがあります。「join O in ~ing」は、特定の誰かと一緒に活動をすることに焦点が当てられています。一方、「participate in ~ing」や「take part in ~ing」は、単に活動に参加することに焦点があり、特定の人との共同性はあまり強調されません。


1. I joined my friends in cheering for our favorite sports team.

2. She joined her colleagues in discussing the latest project.

3. He joined the club in organizing a charity event for the local community.

4. They joined their classmates in preparing for the upcoming exams.

5. She joined her family in celebrating her grandparents’ wedding anniversary.

6. He joined his colleagues in welcoming the new employees to the company.

7. They joined the volunteers in cleaning up the park after the festival.

8. She joined the choir in singing at the school concert.

9. He joined the protesters in demanding justice for the victims.

10. They joined the tour group in exploring the historical landmarks of the city.