【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】動詞 bet

bet は、「賭ける」という意味を持つ動詞です。例えば、スポーツの試合の結果や競馬の勝者を予測するために、友達やブックメーカーにお金を賭ける場合に使います。

その他にも「信じる・確信する」という意味でも使います。例えば、起業家が自分のビジネスアイデアに自信を持って投資家に資金を求める場面などで使われ、「I bet」は「確信してるよ」「賭けてもいいよ」という意味で使われます。


1. I bet she will win the singing competition.

2. He bet all his savings on the horse race.

3. I bet it will rain tomorrow.

4. They bet on which team will score the first goal.

5. She bet her friend that she could finish the puzzle faster.

6. I bet you can’t solve this riddle.

7. He bet his reputation on the success of the business venture.

8. We bet a small amount of money on the outcome of the game.

9. She bet that he would arrive late to the meeting.

10. They bet on whether the movie would receive positive reviews.