【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム keep notes

I find it helpful to keep notes of my workout

keep notes は「メモをとる」という意味です。

類似の表現に make a note があり、こちらも「メモをとる」という意味になります。


1. I always keep notes during class to help me review later.

2. She forgot to keep notes during the meeting, so she couldn’t remember all the important points.

3. Keeping detailed notes is essential for effective studying.

4. It’s a good idea to keep notes of the main ideas while reading a book.

5. Keeping organized notes helps me stay focused during lectures.

6. He couldn’t find his notes because he didn’t keep them in a designated folder.

7. The professor encouraged the students to keep thorough notes for their research projects.

8. Sarah keeps notes of her daily expenses to track her spending.

9. The journalist keeps notes during interviews to ensure accuracy in their articles.

10. The traveler keeps notes of their experiences to create a travel journal.