【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム keep up with

You can keep up with the latest news, and take part in many exciting fan club member events.

keep up with は「~についていく」という意味です。



1. I try to keep up with the latest news by reading newspapers every day.

2. It’s important to keep up with the changes in technology in today’s fast-paced world.

3. She works hard to keep up with her classmates in math class.

4. He finds it difficult to keep up with the demands of his part-time job and his studies.

5. In order to keep up with the competition, the company needs to innovate and adapt.

6. She takes extra English classes to keep up with her language skills.

7. It’s important for athletes to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep up with their training.

8. The students need to keep up with their assignments to avoid falling behind.

9. He reads books on leadership to keep up with the latest management techniques.

10. The company provides regular training sessions to help employees keep up with industry trends.