【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム lean toward

Cards, stickers, stamps, coins, and toys have topped the “usual” collection list, but some collectors lean toward the more unexpected.

「lean toward」は「~の方に傾く」という意味で、ある意見や選択肢に対して好意的な態度を示すときに使われる表現です。

例えば、友達との会話でどこに行くか決める際に、「I lean toward going to the park」(私は公園に行く方に傾いている)と言うことで、公園へ行くことに好意的な考えを持っていることを伝えことができます。

似たような表現としては、「be inclined to」などがあります。


1. I lean toward classical music rather than pop music.

2. She tends to lean toward conservative opinions in politics.

3. He seems to lean toward a career in medicine.

4. Our company is leaning toward hiring a new marketing manager.

5. The survey results show that most people lean toward eco-friendly products.

6. She tends to lean toward a vegetarian diet for health reasons.

7. The professor leaned toward the theory that has been widely accepted in the scientific community.

8. The evidence presented in court leans toward the defendant’s innocence.

9. My friends usually lean toward comedy movies when choosing what to watch.

10. The student’s interests lean toward literature and writing.