【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム leave for

The A2 bus leaving for City Center is canceled.

「Leave for」は「~へ出発する」という意味です。たとえば、友達と一緒に海外旅行に行くとき、「We are leaving for Paris tomorrow.」(明日、パリに出発します。)のように用いられます。

「Leave for」と似たような表現には、「depart for」(~に出発する)や「head to」(~に向かう)というものがあります。

「depart for」は少しフォーマルな印象を持ち、「head to」はもっとカジュアルな感じです。「leave for」はその中間くらいで、一般的には正式でもカジュアルでも使える表現です。


1. We need to leave for the airport at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

2. She packed her bags and left for college.

3. They decided to leave for the beach early in the morning.

4. He received a job offer abroad and will leave for London next month.

5. We should leave for the movie theater soon if we want to catch the early show.

6. The team will leave for the away game early tomorrow morning.

7. She decided to leave for the countryside to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

8. We need to finish packing and leave for the train station in ten minutes.

9. They left for the hiking trail early in the morning to avoid the midday heat.

10. After saying their goodbyes, they left for their respective destinations.