【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム might like to

I think I need half a day to recover from the flight, so I might like to get up late and just relax in the afternoon the next day.

「might like to」は、「~したいかもしれない」という意味です。この表現は、確信は薄いが何かをすることに興味がある場合に使います。

類似の表現に「may want to」や「could be interested in」といった表現があり、「may want to」はもう少し強い希望や意志を示す傾向があります。


1. I might like to visit the art museum this weekend.

2. She might like to try playing the guitar.

3. They might like to watch a movie at the cinema tonight.

4. He might like to join the photography club.

5. We might like to have a picnic in the park tomorrow.

6. You might like to read this book.

7. The students might like to participate in the school festival.

8. She might like to study abroad after graduation.

9. He might like to try the new restaurant in town.

10. They might like to go hiking in the mountains this summer.