【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム link A to B

Then, in October, Maloof linked his blog to his selection of Vivian’s photographs, and right away, thousands of people were viewing them.

「link A to B」は、「AをBに結びつける」という意味です。この表現は、あるアイデアや情報を別のアイデアや情報と関連付けることを指します。


似たような表現に「link A with B」という表現があります。

「link A to B」は、より一方的な関係を示すのに対して、「link A with B」は、2つの要素が互いに影響し合う関係を示す場合に適しています。


1. I always link success to hard work.

2. She linked the increase in sales to the new marketing strategy.

3. The teacher linked the student’s poor grades to a lack of study time.

4. He linked his success as an athlete to his strict training regimen.

5. They linked the economic downturn to government policies.

6. The scientist linked the rise in temperature to global warming.

7. She linked the decrease in crime rates to community policing efforts.

8. The researcher linked the consumption of sugary drinks to an increased risk of obesity.

9. They linked the decline in student performance to budget cuts in education.

10. The historian linked the fall of the Roman Empire to internal political corruption.