【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム listen to

You know, while commuting I can listen to music.

「Listen to」は「聞く」や「聴く」といった意味です。


一方で、「listen to」は意識的に聞く、注意深く聞くといった意味合いが強いです。


1. I love to listen to music while I study.

2. She always listens to her parents’ advice.

3. We should listen to our teacher in class.

4. He enjoys listening to podcasts during his commute.

5. They often listen to the radio in the car.

6. My grandmother loves to listen to classical music.

7. The children need to listen to their teacher in order to learn.

8. I enjoy listening to podcasts on various topics.

9. They often listen to their favorite songs before going to bed.

10. It’s important to listen to different opinions in order to have a well-rounded perspective.