【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look around

Look around, and you will see dozens of plastic items.

「look around」は「周りを見る」という意味です。例えば、新しい場所に行ったときに周りを探索するときや、物を探しているときにも使います。また、観光地に訪れた際にも、周囲の景色や建物を楽しむために使うことがあります。

似たような意味を表す表現には、「explore」と「observe」などがあります。例えば、新しい街に来たとき、興味本位で歩き回るときは「explore」を用います。一方、「look around」は、単に周りを見ることを指し、探求の意図はそれほど強くありません。また、「observe」は、より深く観察することを示します。


1. I looked around the room and noticed a familiar face.

2. She looked around anxiously, searching for her lost keys.

3. The tourists looked around in awe at the magnificent architecture.

4. He looked around for a good spot to set up his tent.

5. The detective looked around for any clues that could help solve the mystery.

6. As she looked around the museum, she was fascinated by the artwork on display.

7. The teacher asked the students to look around the classroom and find a partner for the group activity.

8. He looked around nervously before giving his presentation to the audience.

9. We looked around the neighborhood to find a new place to rent.

10. The hiker looked around the forest, enjoying the tranquility of nature.