【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look at

You are looking at the information about what you can do near the hotel and the reviews of the hotel where you will stay.

「look at」は「~を見る」という意味です。


「look at」は、特に何かを意識的に見る際に使われることが多いです。


1. Look at the beautiful sunset over the ocean.

2. She looked at her watch and realized she was running late.

3. Look at the bright stars in the night sky.

4. The children looked at the picture book with excitement.

5. Look at the delicious food on the table!

6. He looked at the map to find the right directions.

7. They looked at each other and burst into laughter.

8. Look at the colorful flowers blooming in the garden.

9. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and fixed her hair.

10. Look at the adorable puppy playing in the park.