【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look behind

One day, while working in his father’s potato field, he looked behind him and saw all the straight parallel rows of soil that he had made.

「look behind」は「後ろを見る」という意味です。例えば、道路を歩いているときに、後ろを振り返って何かを確認するときに使います。

似たような表現として、「turn around」や「look back」があります。「turn around」は、体の向きを変えて後ろを向くことを強調します。一方、「look back」は、過去について考えることや振り返ることに焦点が当てられます。


1. I looked behind and saw a cute kitten following me.

2. She looked behind and noticed someone watching her from a distance.

3. We should always look behind before crossing the road.

4. He looked behind and discovered a hidden door in the wall.

5. They looked behind and found a trail leading into the forest.

6. The detective looked behind the bookshelf and found a secret compartment.

7. The child looked behind the curtain and giggled at the surprise birthday decorations.

8. She looked behind the mirror and discovered a hidden message written on the wall.

9. We looked behind the statue and found a treasure chest buried in the ground.

10. He looked behind the door and was surprised to see his long-lost friend standing there.