【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look closer

Look closer and you will notice a recycling symbol on them.

「look closer」は、「じっくり見る」という意味です。


1. When you look closer, you’ll notice the intricate details of the painting.

2. If you look closer at the map, you’ll see the exact location of the hidden treasure.

3. As you look closer at the problem, you’ll realize there’s a simple solution.

4. When you look closer at her handwriting, you’ll see how neat and precise it is.

5. If you look closer at the flower, you’ll notice its delicate petals and vibrant colors.

6. As you look closer at the equation, you’ll understand the relationship between the variables.

7. When you look closer at the data, you’ll see a clear trend emerging.

8. If you look closer at his face, you’ll notice the faint scar on his cheek.

9. As you look closer at the photograph, you’ll recognize the famous landmark in the background.

10. When you look closer at the document, you’ll find the missing information in the footnotes.