【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look in

「look in」は「中をのぞく」という意味です。例えば、友達の家を通りがかりに訪ねたときや、お店の窓越しに中を見るときに使うことができます。


1. I need to look in my bag to find my keys.

2. He decided to look in the dictionary for the meaning of the word.

3. She told her son to look in the fridge for something to eat.

4. They decided to look in the old photo albums for pictures of their grandparents.

5. The detective decided to look in the suspect’s pockets for any evidence.

6. The children were excited to look in the treasure chest and see what was inside.

7. She always looks in the mirror before leaving the house.

8. He needs to look in his schedule to see if he’s available on that day.

9. They decided to look in the textbook for the answer to the question.

10. The manager asked the employees to look in their email inbox for an important message.