【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look into

「look into」は「~を調査する」「~を見てみる」といった意味を持ちます。



「look into」は、あまり厳密な調査や専門的な検討を意味せず、あくまでざっくりとした調査や見当を付ける程度の意味合いがあります。一方で、「investigate」はより深く詳細な調査を指し、「examine」は注意深く調べることを意味します。例えば、法的な文脈での調査や科学的な研究のような場面では、「investigate」や「examine」の方が適切です。


1. I need to look into the matter further before making a decision.

2. The detective promised to look into the mysterious disappearance.

3. The government has announced that they will look into the issue of rising unemployment.

4. She decided to look into different career options before choosing her path.

5. The researcher will look into the effects of climate change on wildlife populations.

6. The company is planning to look into expanding their market internationally.

7. The teacher encouraged the students to look into different perspectives when analyzing the historical event.

8. The scientist wants to look into the potential benefits of a new drug for treating cancer.

9. The committee will look into the allegations of misconduct by the politician.

10. The student decided to look into different study abroad programs for the upcoming year.