【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム make sense

At that moment Patrick’s words made sense.

「make sense」は「意味をなす」や「理にかなう」といった意味で、例えば、友達が説明してくれたことや本を読んだ内容が、あなたにとって理解しやすく、論理的である場合に使います。

類似の表現として「be understandable」や「be logical」などがあります。これらも、何かが理解しやすく、論理的であることを表す際に使われます。


1. I don’t understand the instructions for this assignment. It doesn’t make sense to me.

2. The plot of the movie was so confusing that it didn’t make sense at all.

3. His explanation of the scientific theory was clear and made sense to everyone in the class.

4. The teacher’s comments on my essay were helpful and made sense in improving my writing.

5. The article was full of contradictions, and it didn’t make sense to believe any of the information.

6. The math problem was so complex that it didn’t make sense to me no matter how many times I read it.

7. Her explanation of the historical event was well-researched and made sense within the context.

8. The conclusion of the experiment didn’t make sense based on the data we collected.

9. The politician’s statement contradicted his previous remarks and didn’t make sense in the current situation.

10. The puzzle was so challenging that it took hours to solve, but when it finally did, it made sense.