【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム make the most of

As an exchange student, my time in Japan is limited, but I want to make the most of it.

「make the most of」は、「最大限に活用する」という意味です。


似た意味を持つ表現として、「make the best of」があります。これも、機会を最大限に活用することを表す言い回しですが、「make the best of」は限られた状況の中で最善を尽くすというニュアンスがあります。


1. I always try to make the most of my weekends by spending time with my family and friends.

2. She made the most of her English study abroad program by immersing herself in the language and culture.

3. We should make the most of our youth and pursue our dreams passionately.

4. The company provided training opportunities for employees to make the most of their skills and abilities.

5. He made the most of his free time by starting a side business.

6. Despite the limited resources, the team made the most of what they had and achieved remarkable results.

7. As a student, it is important to make the most of your study time to achieve academic success.

8. The conference provided attendees with valuable networking opportunities to make the most of their professional connections.

9. They decided to make the most of their vacation by exploring new places and trying different activities.

10. The team made the most of their strengths and collaborated effectively to complete the project ahead of schedule.