【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム meet an expectation

「meet an expectation」とは、「期待に応える」という意味です。

類似の表現として「live up to an expectation」という表現もあります。これも「期待に応える」という意味で使われますが、単に期待に応えるだけでなく、それを超えて素晴らしい成果を出す場合に使われることが多いです。


1. It is important to meet the expectations of your teachers and strive for academic success.

2. Despite the challenges, she managed to meet the expectations of her boss and complete the project on time.

3. The athlete worked hard to meet the expectations of his coach and performed exceptionally well in the competition.

4. Despite the pressure, she was determined to meet the high expectations set by her parents and pursue her dream career.

5. The company implemented new strategies to meet the market’s expectations and improve its financial performance.

6. Despite the language barrier, he made an effort to meet the expectations of his foreign colleagues and establish effective communication.

7. The student studied diligently to meet the academic expectations and achieve good grades.

8. The team collaborated closely to meet the client’s expectations and deliver a high-quality product.

9. Despite the limited resources, the organization strived to meet the community’s expectations and provide essential services.

10. The government implemented reforms to meet the citizens’ expectations and address pressing social issues.