【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム mix with

In contrast, the carbon in land soil is so close to the surface that it can easily mix with air, and then be released as CO2.
(対照的に、陸上土壌中の炭素は地表に非常に近いため、空気と容易に混合し、その後 CO2 として放出されます。)

「mix with」は「~と混ざる」という意味です。

「mix with」はさまざまな状況で使われます。人と交流するという意味だけでなく、物質どうしが混ざりあうような場合にも用いられます。

似たような意味を持つ表現に「interact with」というものがあります。

「mix with」は、より自然体の交流を指し、一方の「interact with」は積極的なコミュニケーションを指すことが多いです。


1. I love going to international events because I get to mix with people from different cultures.

2. At the party, she felt uncomfortable because she had to mix with strangers.

3. As a teacher, it’s important for me to mix with my students and understand their perspectives.

4. In the melting pot of New York City, people from various backgrounds mix with each other.

5. The new employee found it challenging to mix with the established team members.

6. In a multicultural society, people have the opportunity to mix with individuals from different ethnicities.

7. She joined a language exchange program to improve her English and mix with native speakers.

8. The company encourages employees to mix with colleagues from other departments to foster collaboration.

9. During the study abroad program, students have the opportunity to mix with students from different countries.

10. The community center organizes events where residents can mix with each other and build stronger connections.