【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム move to

She returned to New York in 1951, and in 1956 she moved to Chicago to work as a caregiver for the Gensburg family.
(彼女は 1951 年にニューヨークに戻り、1956 年にゲンスバーグ家の介護者として働くためにシカゴに移りました。)

「move to」は、「~へ移動する」「~へ引っ越す」といった意味です。

類似の表現としては、「relocate to」「transfer to」などがあります。「move to」は一般的な移動や引っ越しを表す言葉ですが、「relocate to」はよりフォーマルな文脈で使用され、特に仕事やビジネス関連の転居を強調します。一方、「transfer to」は、職場の転勤や学校での転校などで用いられます。


1. I am planning to move to Tokyo next year for my new job.

2. She decided to move to a different country to pursue her dreams.

3. They will move to a bigger house to accommodate their growing family.

4. He moved to a quieter neighborhood to escape the city’s hustle and bustle.

5. We are considering moving to a coastal town to enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle.

6. After retiring, they plan to move to the countryside and live a peaceful life.

7. She moved to a different school to pursue her academic interests.

8. They decided to move to a smaller apartment to save money.

9. My parents are considering moving to a retirement community for a more convenient lifestyle.

10. The company offered him a promotion, but it requires him to move to a different city.