【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム originate in

A unit of measurement known as the yard probably originated in Britain after the Roman occupation and it is said to be based on the double cubit.
(ヤードとして知られる測定単位は、おそらくローマ占領後にイギリスで誕生し、2 キュビトに基づいていると言われています。)

「originate in」は「〜に起源を持つ」という意味です。

類似の表現としては、「derive from」(~に由来する)があります。

「originate in」は、「この伝統は日本に起源を持ちます。」のように、発祥となった場所を指すのに対して、「derived from」は「この料理は中国の文化に由来しています。」のように物事の由来を指します。


1. Many traditional martial arts originate in Japan.

2. The game of Sudoku originated in Switzerland.

3. Tea ceremonies originated in China and were later introduced to Japan.

4. The concept of origami originated in ancient China and spread to Japan.

5. The tradition of exchanging business cards originated in Japan.

6. Karaoke, a popular form of entertainment, originated in Japan.

7. The art of bonsai originated in ancient China and was later adopted by Japan.

8. The tradition of wearing kimonos originated in Japan.

9. The concept of haiku poetry originated in Japan and focuses on capturing a single moment in nature.

10. Origami, the art of paper folding, originated in ancient Japan.