【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム pass down

Museums are proof that things have been collected, saved, and passed down for future generations.

「pass down」は、「受け継ぐ」という意味です。家族の価値観や歴史、伝統的な技術、または仕事のノウハウなど、尊重すべき知識を次世代に受け継ぐときに使われます。また、学問や文化、芸術においても使われることがあります。


1. My grandmother passed down her recipe for homemade kimchi.
2. The tradition of storytelling has been passed down through generations in our family.

3. He decided to pass down his old comic book collection to his younger brother.

4. The ancient wisdom of yoga has been passed down for centuries.

5. It is important to pass down cultural traditions to preserve our heritage.

6. The family heirloom, a beautiful antique necklace, was passed down to the eldest daughter.

7. The story of their ancestors’ bravery during the war was passed down through oral history.

8. The skill of traditional pottery making has been passed down from master to apprentice for generations.

9. The family farm has been passed down in the same family for over 200 years.

10. The importance of environmental conservation needs to be passed down to future generations.