【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム pass through

It allows 98% of light to pass through it while at the same time it is so dense that even one molecule of helium gas cannot pass through it.
(光の 98% を通過させますが、同時にヘリウムガスの 1 分子さえも通過できないほど密度が高いのです。)

「pass through」は「通り抜ける」「通過する」といった意味です。


類似の表現として「go through」という表現も「通り抜ける」という意味で使われます。しかし、「go through」は主に困難やプロセスを経る場合に使われ、感情的な面を含むことがあります。一方、「pass through」はより物理的な移動や通過を指します。


1. The hikers passed through the dense forest and reached the mountain summit.

2. The train passed through several small towns before reaching the final destination.

3. The river passes through the heart of the city, providing a picturesque view.

4. The idea passed through my mind as I was walking home from school.

5. The news of the accident quickly passed through the community, causing concern among the residents.

6. The bill passed through the legislative process and became law.

7. The sunlight passes through the window, filling the room with warmth.

8. The story passed through generations, becoming a beloved family legend.

9. The information passed through various channels before reaching the intended recipients.

10. The years passed through her eyes, showing the wisdom and experience she had gained.