【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム pay attention

Therefore, they pay more attention because they have to make a greater effort to recall what they had learned before.

「pay attention」は、「注意を払う」という意味です。誰かが話していることや、行われている活動に対して注意を向けることを指します。

類似の表現としては、「listen to」というフレーズもあります。しかし、「listen to」は主に耳を傾けて聞くことに焦点を当てていますが、「pay attention」は耳だけでなく、視覚や注意全体を意味します。


1. Pay attention to the teacher’s instructions to understand the lesson.

2. It’s important to pay attention to road signs while driving.

3. The students should pay attention to grammar rules when writing essays.

4. Pay attention to the details in the painting to fully appreciate the artist’s skill.

5. During the lecture, pay attention to the main points the professor emphasizes.

6. It’s essential to pay attention to your health by getting enough rest and eating well.

7. Pay attention to the signs of stress and learn how to manage it effectively.

8. When studying a foreign language, pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.

9. Pay attention to the safety instructions before using any new equipment.

10. As a good listener, pay attention to what others are saying and show genuine interest.