【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム perceive A as B

Science fiction sometimes describes aliens as looking like octopuses, so this animal group “cephalopods,” which means “head-feet,” may be perceived as being distant from humans.
(SF では宇宙人の姿がタコに似ていると描写されることがあるため、この動物グループ「頭足類」(「頭と足」を意味する)は人間とは遠い存在として認識されるかもしれません。)

「perceive A as B」は、「AをBとして捉える」という意味です。

類似の表現として、「regard A as B」や「see A as B」などがあります。これらも同じように、AをBとして捉えることを意味します。

「perceive A as B」がやや直感的な知覚を表すのに対して、「regard A as B」はものごとを評価するというニュアンスがあります。一方、「see A as B」は、視覚的な認識を強調するニュアンスがあります。


1. Many people perceive him as a reliable and responsible leader.

2. Some students perceive mathematics as a challenging subject.

3. The artist’s intention was to make the viewers perceive the painting as a representation of hope.

4. She perceived the novel as a fascinating adventure into the unknown.

5. Many people perceive him as an expert in computer programming.

6. Some cultures perceive the owl as a symbol of wisdom.

7. The CEO wanted the public to perceive the company as a reliable and innovative brand.

8. Despite his tough appearance, his friends perceive him as a kind-hearted person.

9. They perceive the new policy as a step towards a more sustainable future.

10. Many people perceive learning a new language as a valuable skill for personal growth.