【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム plan to

The farmer planned to sell the baby bull, which he called Three-oh-nine (309), to a meat market.

「plan to」は「~を計画する」や「~する予定だ」と言う意味で、旅行の計画を立てるときなどに使われます。

類似の表現に「intend to」があります。「intend to」はより具体的な行動が決まっている場合に用いられます。


1. I plan to visit Kyoto during the spring break.

2. She plans to study abroad in the United States next year.

3. They plan to start a small business after graduation.

4. He plans to improve his English speaking skills by practicing every day.

5. We plan to have a picnic at the park if the weather is nice.

6. She plans to take a part-time job to save money for her trip.

7. He plans to join the school’s drama club to pursue his passion for acting.

8. They plan to organize a charity event to help those in need.

9. We plan to study together for the upcoming exams.

10. He plans to learn to play the guitar during the summer vacation.