【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム play a part in

At one time, Black Swan were the biggest rock band in the UK, and their dynamic leader Dave Starr played a large part in that achievement.

「play a part in」は「役割を果たす」という意味です。


類似の表現に「play a role in」があります。「play a part in」と「play a role in」は意味はほぼ同じですが、「play a role in」の方がややフォーマルな場面で用いられる傾向があります。


1. The volunteers play a vital part in organizing the charity event.

2. Effective communication plays a significant part in building strong relationships.

3. Renewable energy sources play a crucial part in reducing carbon emissions.

4. Education plays a fundamental part in shaping a bright future for the younger generation.

5. In this movie, friendship plays a central part in the protagonist’s journey.

6. Cultural exchange programs play a significant part in promoting global understanding.

7. Critical thinking plays a crucial part in problem-solving and decision-making.

8. The immune system plays a vital part in defending the body against infections.

9. Financial planning plays a fundamental part in securing a stable future.

10. In sports, teamwork plays a central part in achieving success.