【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム prepare for

Your English teacher has given you this article to read to prepare for a class debate.

「prepare for」は「~の準備をする」という意味です。


類似の表現としては、「get ready for」という表現があり「~の準備をする」という意味になります。

「prepare for」の方がフォーマルな表現になるので、例えば重要な会議の準備なら「prepare for」が用いられます。


1. I need to prepare for tomorrow’s exam.

2. She prepared for the interview by researching the company.

3. They are preparing for the school festival.

4. He prepared for the hiking trip by packing essential items.

5. We need to prepare for the presentation with visual aids.

6. She prepared for the marathon by following a strict training schedule.

7. They are preparing for the English speech contest.

8. He is diligently preparing for the math competition.

9. The team is preparing for the debate by researching both sides of the argument.

10. We should prepare for the upcoming typhoon by securing our belongings.