【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム proceed to

The guide will first cover the painting galleries and then, later, proceed to the ancient sculpture exhibit outdoors.

「proceed to」は「~に進む」という意味で、特定の行動や動作を続ける際によく使われる表現です。


「proceed to」と似た意味を持つ表現には、「move on to」や「advance to」などがあります。意味は同じですが、「move on to」の方がややカジュアルな表現で、また、「advance to」は次のステップに進むことを強調するニュアンスがあります。


1. I will proceed to the next level of the game.

2. After finishing the first chapter, the students will proceed to the next one.

3. The project team will proceed to analyze the data collected.

4. Once you complete the registration, you can proceed to the payment process.

5. The meeting will proceed to discuss the budget for the upcoming event.

6. The candidates who passed the written exam will proceed to the interview stage.

7. After addressing the initial issues, the construction will proceed to the next phase.

8. The workshop will proceed to demonstrate the practical application of these techniques.

9. Students who excel in this course may proceed to the advanced level.

10. The team will proceed to implement the new marketing strategy starting next month.