【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム pull off

As the pencil rubs against the paper, thin layers of carbon are pulled off the pencil lead and left on the paper as lines or writing.

「pull off」は「はがれる」という意味です。その他にも、「成し遂げる」という意味もあります。


1. He carefully pulled off the old wallpaper to reveal the beautiful brick wall underneath.

2. The mechanic had to pull off the car’s damaged bumper before installing a new one.

3. She accidentally pulled off one of the buttons from her shirt while rushing to get ready.

4. The children were excited to pull off the wrapping paper to see what was inside the gift box.

5. To repair the leak, the plumber had to pull off the damaged section of the pipe.

6. The actor skillfully pulled off the fake mustache during the comedic scene.

7. After the performance, the dancers were relieved to finally pull off their tight costumes.

8. She managed to pull off the bandage without causing any additional pain.

9. The chef skillfully pulled off the skin from the freshly cooked fish.

10. He couldn’t wait to pull off the plastic cover and start using his new smartphone.