【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム reply to

「reply to」は、「返信する」という意味です。

例えば、メールで友達からの質問に答えるために使ったり、ソーシャルメディアで他の人の投稿にコメントする際にも「reply to」を使うことができます。

「reply to」に類似した表現として、「respond to」があります。


1. He replied to her email promptly.

2. The teacher replied to the student’s question with a detailed explanation.

3. She replied to the job interview invitation, expressing her gratitude for the opportunity.

4. They replied to the party invitation, stating that they would attend.

5. He quickly replied to the text message he received.

6. The company replied to the customer’s complaint, apologizing for the inconvenience caused.

7. She replied to the survey, providing valuable feedback. (彼女はアンケートに返信して、貴重なフィードバックを提供しました。)

8. He replied to his friend’s invitation, declining it due to a prior commitment.

9. The professor replied to the student’s email, clarifying the assignment requirements.

10. They replied to the interview request, confirming their availability for the scheduled time.