【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム respond to

He responded to Sabine’s voice just like a horse.

「respond to」は「~に返答する」という意味です。


似たような表現に「reply to」というものがあります。この表現も同じように「~に返答する」という意味です。


1. She quickly responded to the email from her friend.

2. The students were asked to respond to the teacher’s question in English.

3. The company will respond to the customer’s inquiries within 24 hours.

4. He didn’t respond to the joke; it seemed like he didn’t understand it.

5. The artist’s work evoked strong emotions, and many people responded to it positively.

6. The athlete was exhausted, but he managed to respond to his coach’s instructions.

7. The charity organization aims to respond to the needs of the less fortunate in the community.

8. The government must respond to the citizens’ demands for better public services.

9. She always responds to criticism with a positive attitude and strives to improve.

10. The detective carefully observed the suspect’s behavior to see how he would respond to certain questions.