【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム care for

One disadvantage is that pets have to be cared for when owners go away.

care for は、「気にかける」「世話をする」という意味で使われます。このイディオムは、特定の人や物に対して注意や配慮を示すときに使用されます。また、好意や愛情を持って接することを表現する際にも使われます。

類似の表現としては、look after というイディオムがあります。これも「気にかける」「世話をする」という意味で使用されますが、特に誰かの世話や保護をする場合に使われ、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。


1. I care for my younger sister when our parents are not at home.

2. She cares for her plants, watering them every day.

3. The teacher cares for the students’ academic progress and offers guidance when needed.

4. He cares for his grandmother, making sure she takes her medication on time.

5. They care for the environment by recycling and reducing waste.

6. The cat cares for her kittens, grooming and protecting them.

7. We care for our friends’ well-being and offer support when they are going through tough times.

8. He cares for his vintage car, always keeping it clean and well-maintained.

9. She cares for stray animals, providing food and shelter for them.

10. They care for each other deeply and always support one another.