【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム run out

Again, it took longer than planned, and time was running out.

「run out」とは、「使い果たす」や「使い切る」、「なくなる」という意味です。



1. I need to go to the store because I’ve run out of milk.

2. She had to stop in the middle of the race because she ran out of energy.

3. They had to call for a tow truck because their car ran out of gas.

4. He was late to the meeting because he ran out of time.

5. The restaurant had to apologize to customers because they ran out of a popular dish.

6. The students had to share textbooks because the class had run out of copies.

7. The party ended early because the music playlist had run out of songs.

8. She couldn’t finish her painting because she had run out of paint.

9. The store offered a discount on old inventory that was about to run out.

10. The team lost the game because they had run out of substitutes for injured players.