【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム save on

This model is attractive to companies because they can save on operating costs, and they can easily hire a more skilled workforce through digital platforms.
(このモデルは、運営コストを節約でき、デジタル プラットフォームを通じてより熟練した労働力を簡単に雇用できるため、企業にとって魅力的です。)

「save on」は、「~を節約する」「~を削減する」といった意味を持ちます。


「save on」にはいくつか類似の表現があります。代表的なものとしては、「reduce」があります。「reduce」は単に「減らす」という意味になるので、何かを節約するというニュアンスはありません。


1. You can save on electricity bills by using energy-efficient appliances.

2. We decided to save on transportation costs by carpooling to work.

3. By buying in bulk, you can save on grocery expenses.

4. He plans to save on accommodation by staying with a friend during his trip.

5. The company implemented cost-saving measures to save on operational expenses.

6. By using public transportation, you can save on fuel costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

7. She found a great discount online and was able to save on her shopping expenses.

8. The school introduced a new initiative to save on paper usage and promote environmental awareness.

9. By planning meals ahead of time and reducing food waste, you can save on your food budget.

10. The travel agency offered a special deal to save on travel expenses for the summer vacation.